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Monthly Meeting: Tuesday, January 17th at 7:30 pm at “Oakflower Brewing Company” 1932 Long Hill Rd., Suite A Millington, NJ 07946 Join us for the first monthly meeting of the new year at Oakflower Brewing (1932 Long Hill Road in Millington) on Tuesday 17th at 7.30 pm. We will be at one of New Jersey’s newest breweries, Oakflower in Millington (they opened Thanksgiving weekend). Oakflower is yet another brewery with a former MASH member (Colin McDonough) as one of the owners. Colin will give us a tour of the brewery, discuss its history and his journey, and how the experience has been so far. MASH Cider: Also, bring your homebrewed cider from our MASH cider purchase in the Fall to share and discuss with other MASH members. 2023 MASH Board Elections The 2023 MASH Board Elections will be held at our monthly meeting on February 21 at Twin Elephant. Anyone interested in joining the MASH Board must send a statement of interest to [email protected] by end of the day on Tuesday, February 14. The statement of interest may include a short bio, your homebrewing history, and why you are interested in joining the board. All of MASH’s seven seats are open. Board members attend a monthly board meeting to coordinate our club meetings and events and brainstorm ideas to make MASH the community that it is! Help be part of the team to plan and celebrate! Questions? Reach any current Board member via email or Slack or ask a question in the #general channel on Slack. BJCP Tasting Class: Beginning on Monday, January 23rd at 7 pm, MASH Board member Chris Johnson will be leading this class at the Wine Barrel in Maplewood. The BJCP Tasting exam will take place on May 21 hosted by Steve Ashton at Ashton Brewery in Middlesex, NJ. For questions contact Chris Johnson at [email protected]. Calling all Northern Jersey area brewers and beer lovers who are looking to break into the great world of judging beer, or increasing your proficiency to up your rank with the BJCP. We are gearing up for the next installment of the BJCP Tasting Exam prep course. Classes will be held each Monday at 7 pm until the exam in May. Each week we will cover new styles, hone sensory analysis skills, learn how to write about and discuss beers using a common vocabulary, and generally enjoy a great time tasting, discussing and writing about great beer. Costs will be the cost of beer and supplies for each class. Generally, this comes to about $5-10 per person per session. We will supply beer and supplies (cups, sensory analysis kits, etc.) and divide costs by those in attendance each session.The class will be open to all who can participate, up to the about 30 seats capacity of the venue. The class will be building toward sitting for a BJCP Tasting Exam, however, attendance in the class neither obligates you nor guarantees you, to sit for the exam. The exam has a hard limit of 12 and attendance in the class is not a condition to sit for the exam. So if interested in the exam, reserve your spot in advance for that. To sit for the exam you will need to already be a ranked BJCP judge or have passed the BJCP online exam within 1 year of the exam date. This RSVP is for the class only, not the BJCP exam in May: https://forms.gle/2obwC5z3JS3unCBk6 Get Your Beer Judged by a BJCP JudgeMASH’s own Paul Jones has re-created a site for us to anonymously evaluate your homebrews. One of the perks of being a MASH member is having access to a long list of accomplished BJCP judges. If you would like some anonymous and objective feedback on your beer, go to RateMyHomebrew and register your beer (or cider or mead). Your entry will be assigned a random number for you to label your bottle. Then bring the bottle to the next MASH meeting for one of our judges to take home and complete a scoresheet for you. Perks for Being a MuleNow that homebrew competitions seem to all be back to normal with in-person judging, we are reminding you that MASH will pay a set per-entry reimbursement to any club member for each entry (besides their own) that they mule to a competition drop-off point on behalf of other club members. Just snap a photo of the entries you are dropping off and send the photo, competition name, and members you are dropping off on behalf of to [email protected]. Upcoming homebrew competitions: February 3 and 4: Homebrew Alley at Wild East Brewing in Brooklyn, NY. Registration for entries, judges, and stewards is open through January 26. February 17 and 18: War of the Worts at Keystone Homebrew Supply in Montgomeryville, PA. Entry registration is open through January 29. Judge and steward registration goes until February 18 (but don’t wait until the last minute). Save the Key Dates: February (to be determined): MASH Tasting: limited seating for a blending session at Eric Blaine’s house; food pairing optional; more details and sign-up through Slack. February 21: MASH monthly meeting at Twin Elephant Brewing in Chatham (featuring MASH Board elections) February or March: multi-homebrew club Winter Gathering (details to be announced soon) March 21: MASH monthly meeting at Gearblock Brewing in Waldwick (featuring guest speaker Arthur Franke, mead connoisseur) April 18: MASH monthly meeting at Double Tap Brewing in Whippany (featuring our first 2023 Club Only Competition – Lagers) May 13: MASH-Morristown Eagles Homebrew Fundraiser for Cold Nose Warm Heart in Sussex County; we need four volunteers to brew |