We are going to kick 2019 off with a Fruit Cider Brewers Duel as well as a Cider MASH Lab hosted by Chris Johnson. We will lead a discussion on common cider making techniques so be prepared to talk about your cider making process and bring an example you may have at home.
The 2019 membership drive will begin also. This year dues will be $30 or $25 if you are a member of the American Homebrewers Association (AHA). Not a member? Join using this link.
We will have everyone fill out THIS FORM at the meeting so get ahead of the line and fill it out now. It will ask for your AHA member number and expiration date.
Dues can be paid in cash at the meeting or sent ahead of time using PayPal to [email protected]. Be sure to select the “friends and family” payment option.
Twin Elephant Brewing
13 Watchung Ave, Chatham Borough, NJ 07928
Tuesday, March 19th
7:30 pm
Don’t forget that MASH members are welcome to drop off beer to be anonymously evaluated by one of our 19 BJCP judges. Simply register at onlinebeerscores.com and bring your numbered bottle.
As always, meetings are open to all but please note this does not mean Twin Elephant is open to all. Attendees should be there to attend a MASH meeting not simply for Twin Elephant beer. Bring homebrew to share and a sample glass to help cut down on cups waste.
2019 MASH Board
Do you want to be a member of the 2019 MASH Board? Now is the time to throw your hat in the ring!
The MASH Board has existed since the very beginning. The Board meets monthly in order to plan monthly meetings, facilitate the great MASH events, coordinate membership and oversee MASH Committees.
The Board is made up of five members. All Board members are elected at large and the Board then votes on the roles that each Board Member will serve. All five Board positions are up for this year’s vote.
- Any Full Member is eligible for election to the Board. To be eligible, send a short statement of interest to [email protected] by February 12th. In your statement of interest, tell MASH who you are and why you’re the right choice for the Board!
- Nominees and their statements will be e-mailed in our February newsletter.
- Elections will take place at the next monthly meeting. Full Members will vote for their top five candidates (absentee ballots will be available for any member who cannot attend).
- Full MASH members are eligible to vote.
2019 MASH Club Only Competitions
- April: BJCP 3- Czech Lagers
- June: BJCP X Rated – Dorada Pampeana, IPA Argenta, Italian Grape Ale, Catharina Sour, NZ Pilsner
- September: BJCP 13 – Brown British
Upcoming Events:
- January 24: MASH Tasting – Stouts at Ashton’s House
- February 9: Homebrew Alley
- February 23: War of the Worts
- February 24: BJCP tasting Exam
- February 19: MASH Meeting
- March 9: Garden State AND Hudson Valley Homebrew Competition
- March 16: MASH Meeting
- March 23: NHC NY Region Judging
- April 6: NHC Philly Region Judging
- April 16: MASH Meeting @ Poor Henrys Czech Lager CoC
- May 4: National Homebrew Day – Big Brew Campout
- May 18: Das Boot Homebrew Competition
- May 19: BJCP Mead Exam
- May 21: MASH Meeting
- June 18 MASH Meeting
- June 26-30: Homebrew Con
- August 9-11: MASH Vermont Trip