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Monthly Meeting: Sunday, July 18 at 1 p.m. at Lewis Morris Park Sensory Analysis Happy Hour: Thursday, July 29 at 8 p.m. Click to join President’s Message ![]() Join us at 1 p.m. on Sunday, July 18 at Lewis Morris Park, Sunrise Lake Picnic Shelter C for our first in-person meeting in over 17 months. We are excited to see everyone and looking forward to enjoying one of Morris County’s amazing parks. The July meeting will combine a club picnic and our July Club Only Competition, featuring brewers’ unique renditions of a pale ale recipe designed by Board Member Chris Johnson. For the picnic, the club will be providing some snacks and food as well as cold water. We will also have some outdoor games such as corn hole. If you plan to join us, consider bringing a few items such as:A chairBeers to drink or shareSnacksBug spraySun ScreenIf you are participating in our Pale Ale CoC, remember to bring a growler or six pack of your entry and some ice or a cooler to keep it cold. You can view additional details on the location of Sun Rise Lake Picnic Shelter C and the surrounding facilities here. Our Sensory Analysis Happy Hour at 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 29. Stay tuned for details on which style won the vote – Vienna Lager, Witbier, or Gose and which examples we’ll be tasting. Join our June Sensory Analysis via Zoom Get Your Beer Judged by a BJCP Judge One of the perks of being a MASH member is having access to a long list of accomplished BJCP judges. If you would like some anonymous and objective feedback on your beer, conact Board Member Eric Blaine, to arrange to have one of our BJCP judges evaluate your beer and provide you with a scoresheet and feedback. A Note About Virtual Meetings Over the past year, we have used both Zoom and Google Meet to host our club meetings, happy hours, and sensory analysis. Most recently the club has been using Goolge Meet, which was being offered for free by Google. As of March 31, Google stopped offering Meet for free and so the board decided to switch back to using Zoom for all club meetings, as we felt that Zoom provided a better user experience and we had less technical glitches and challenges connecting to Zoom and Meet. In an effort to make our digital lives as simple as possible, we will be using the same Zoom meeting info for all club functions. This should make keeping track of links and joining events easier and less error prone for our members. We welcome your feedback on your experience so that we can continue to improve the way in which we connect and collaborate together. The official MASH zoom meeting info for all MASH functions is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5120245789?pwd=bUtKdFhRQnd3R3BONEVaVkxhd0tHZz09 Meeting ID: 512 024 5789 Passcode: GoMASHGo COMPETE Upcoming Homebrew Competitions – NJ State Fair Homebrew Competition – In-person judging on July 23 and 24 – Motown MASH Tentative Dates – November 5th and 6th. Stay tuned for further details Perks for Being a Mule Reminder that MASH will pay a set per-entry reimbursement to any club member for each entry (besides their own) that they mule to a competition drop off point on behalf of other club members. Just snap a photo of the entries you are dropping off and send the photo, competition name, and members you are dropping off on behalf of to [email protected]. ![]() It’s not too late to renew your 2021 Membership. Dues remain $25 for AHA members and $30 for those who haven’t joined yet. While you don’t have to be a member to attend our monthly meetings, members get exclusive perks, including membership to our Mash New Jersey Slack, our running chat of all things homebrew and beer. And stay tuned for the reveal of our 2021 membership glass! “Member up” using this form. You can then send payment via MASH’s Paypal at [email protected] or via Venmo to Board Treasurer Micha Stark @starkm1. 2021 MASH Mugs ![]() It’s that special time of year when the annual MASH vessel’s arrive. This year’s cup is an enameled camp mug. All members in good standing are entitled to a mug. To arrange to pick up your mug, contact Micha Stark via Slack. |